Poems — Press the three bars next to "Search" for contact and more info
Here are some links to some recently published poems—
Promo video for “Signs of Marriage”: The poem Stones depicted in video.
Promo video for “Intimacy with the Wind”: The title poem of the book depicted in video
Carla Schwartz reads her prize-winning poem "Pat Schroeder Was Our Mother," Carla Reads Pat Schroeder Was Our Mother (350) New England Poetry Club Prize-Winners' Reading, 2023 - YouTube
"Pat Schroeder Was Our Mother," winner, 2023 E.E. Cummings Prize, New England Poetry Club, https://nepoetryclub.org/carla-schwartz-pat-schroeder
Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, "Nobody One," https://autumnskypoetrydaily.com/2025/01/27/nobody-won-by-carla-schwartz/
One Art Poetry, "Song of the Nude Marble Statue my Young Father Poses With," https://oneartpoetry.com/2025/01/17/song-of-the-nude-marble-statue-my-young-father-poses-with-by-carla-schwartz/
Verse-Virtual Online, "The MIstake of Cutting Down" and "The Mesh of Root" https://www.verse-virtual.org/2025/January/schwartz-carla-2025-january.html
Contemporary Haibun Online, "Musing Weather," https://contemporaryhaibunonline.com/table-of-contents-20-3/haibun-20-3/carla-schwartz-musing-weather/
Modern Haiku, 2024: "Cycling Truths" https://www.instagram.com/p/DBkAhIlPXgQ/
Black Coffee Review, 2024: "Winter Solstice," Winter Solstice by Carla Schwartz - Black Coffee Review
Spank the Carp, 2024: "Poemetry" Poemetry Spank the Carp - SPANK the CARP
Drifting Sands Haibun, 2024: "Fresh Ground," https://drifting-sands-haibun.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Issue-30-2.pdf (and jump to page 26, or search Carla Schwartz)
Verse-virtual, 2024: "Wind," and "Dear Scent of Being Away," Carla Schwartz Verse-Virtual October 2024
Poet's Touchstone audio: 2024 "Black Peppermint," read by Carla Schwartz black peppermint Touchstone Poem Audio Recordings – Poetry Society of New Hampshire
New Verse News, 2024 "A Week After Yet Another Cyanobacteria Watch on the Lake" TheNewVerse.News : A WEEK AFTER YET ANOTHER CYANOBACTERIA WATCH ON THE LAKE
Triggerfish Critical Review, 2024, "Cold Water Swimmers" Cold Water Swimmers, Carla Schwartz – Triggerfish Critical Review
The Solitary Daisy, 2024: "Haiku: ambling deer," The Solitary Daisy Issue 31 - The Solitary Daisy
Five Fleas (Itchy Poetry), 2024: "Nobody Knocks," and "Family Plot" https://fivefleas.blogspot.com/2024/12/afternoon-of-december-8-2024.html
Verse Virtual Online, 2024 "Contemplating Humanity while Swimming," Contemplating Humanity While Swimming Carla Schwartz Verse-Virtual July 2024
Sheila-Na-Gig Online, 2024: Let Me Touch You,
MacQueen's Quinterly, 2024: To Argument, http://www.macqueensquinterly.com/MacQ23/Schwartz-Argument.aspx
Verse-Virtual, Online, April, 2024: Megan, TIAA Specialist, Golden Shovel: Drive your Cart and your Plow over the Bones of the Dead, and Hospice Hospital, https://verse-virtual.org/2024/April/schwartz-carla-2024-april.html
Silver Birch Press, 2024: Remembering My Mother Series: Raspberries, https://silverbirchpress.wordpress.com/2024/03/13/raspberries-by-carla-schwartz-all-about-my-mother-series/
Stone Poetry Quarterly, February, 2024: "What to Take With You," https://stonepoetryjournal.com/carla-schwartz/
Gone Lawn, January, 2024, "The Color of Lake Water," https://gonelawn.net/journal/issue53/Schwartz.php
Verse-Virtual January, 2024, "Who Cares, Ice Means I'm Alive," and "January Mud," https://verse-virtual.org/2024/January/schwartz-carla-2024-january.html
Pulsebeat Poetry: Locked In, https://pulsebeatpoetry.com/pulsebeat-08/carla-schwartz/
Remington Review: "Art Project with Instructions from my Mother" https://www.flipsnack.com/remingtonreview/remington-review-fall-2023.html?p=44
New-Verse News https://newversenews.blogspot.com/2023/09/no-one-told-olga-carmona-her-father.html?m=1
Verse-Virtual Online: "Saying Goodbye to my Father" and "Not Merely a Player on this World's Stage" https://verse-virtual.org/2023/September/schwartz-carla-2023-september.html
Remington Review, 2023: "Niagara Falls" https://www.flipsnack.com/remingtonreview/remington-review-summer-2023.html
Banyan Review, 2023: "Eat, Swim, Nap" thebanyanreview.com/issue-15-summer-2023/carla-schwartz/
Bluepepper, 2023: "Praise the Insects" https://bluepepper.blogspot.com/2023/05/new-poetry-by-carla-schwartz.html
"Survival Instinct" The Old Frog Pond Farm. Survival instinct by Carla March 2023 — Old Frog Pond Farm & Studio
Verse-Virtual Online: May, 2023 Three poems: "Remembering my Mother While Riding to the Grocery Store," Watermelon," and "Holocause Remembrance Day" https://www.verse-virtual.org/2023/May/schwartz-carla-2023-may.html
Poetry Porch Online, 2023: Three Poems: "Fugue for a Winter's Day" poetry porch fugue for winter day - carlaschwartzthree23.docx
"Stings" Poetry Porch stings- carlaschwartztwo23.docx
"The Mouse Nesting in our Grill" Poetry Porch mouse grill - carlaschwartzone23.docx
"Deliverance" (first published in the Smoky Quartz Anthology, 2022, and now online at NHPR) https://www.nhpr.org/arts-culture/2023-01-19/we-asked-for-your-original-poems-about-new-beginnings-here-they-are#deliverance
The Inquisitive Eater: "Rhubarb," and "Applesauce," https://inquisitiveeater.com/2022/12/12/rhubarb-and-applesauce-by-carla-schwartz/.
Leon Literary Review: "Farm Life," a commentary on someone's wishes for end of life
Triggerfish Critical Review: "The Flawed Melody of Family," https://triggerfishcriticalreview.com/the-flawed-melody-of-family-carla-schwartz/
The Ear: "Umbilical" and "How He Leaves," Two poems about death by drug overdose
PoetsOnline: "Dream with a President of Princeton," and "August." Search link for "Carla" https://poetsonline.org/archive/arch_beach-august.html
Two Hawks Quarerly: "Brother to Brother," a poem about families and suicide
Misfit Magazine: "Voodoo." http://misfitmagazine.net/archive/No-31/schwartz.html
WCAI Poetry Sunday "Forsythia Drive By" July 28, 2019 https://www.capeandislands.org/post/poetry-sunday-carla-schwartz#stream/0
Lunch Ticket "Anthem", May 2019, Lunch Ticket Twitter Poetry Contest Winner, https://lunchticket.org/anthem/
The Sunlight Press "To the Posting Facebook Users," https://www.thesunlightpress.com/2018/10/02/to-the-posting-facebook-users/
Lost River Literary Magazine "This Rope," https://issuu.com/lostriverlitmag/docs/lost_river_summer_2018_final/17
and "Weighing a December Swim," https://issuu.com/lostriverlitmag/docs/lost_river_summer_2018_final/18
Tales from the Forest "Sweet Potato Harvest," and "String Theory," May, 2018. https://talesfromtheforest.net/2018/05/27/carla-schwartz-sweet-potato-harvest-string-theory/
Paddock Review "Rings" https://paddockreview.com/2018/05/09/a-poem-by-carla-schwartz/, May 2018. This poem also appears in Intimacy with the Wind, Finishing Line Press, Oct 2017.
Submittable "Submittable," a runner up in the Submittable-centric poetry contest. https://submittablecentriccontest.submittable.com/gallery/cdad0def-afc4-4f3c-946c-b4eb6ff40b60/10154807/
Zingara Review "The Road" https://zingarapoet.net/2018/05/09/the-road-by-carla-schwartz/ May, 2018
Mojave River Review "Photographs of my Mother," and "Phone Call to a Functionary," 2018 https://issuu.com/mojaverivermedia/docs/mrr-vol4no1-spring-summer2018_final/170
Leveler "The Wood Pile" April 23, 2018 https://www.levelerpoetry.com/the-wood-pile/
Gyroscope Review "Self-Portrait with Perlmutter, a Father, and a Dead Mother" (search the pdf) (you might have to open this link in an incognito window) https://www.gyroscopereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/SPRING-ISSUE-2018-PDF.pdf
Weatherbeaten Literary Journal "Antidote" https://weatherbeatenlit.com/summer2017/welcome-to-weatherbeaten/authors/carla-schwartz/ 2017
Amsterdam Quarterly "Tax Reform" https://www.amsterdamquarterly.org/aq_issues/aq21-money/carla-schwartz-tax-reform/ 2018
Varnish "Wormageddon" and "Beginnings" https://varnishjournal.com/issues/issue-2/issue-2-poetry/2-poems-by-carla-schwartz/ 2018
First Literary Review - East "Scars" (click this link https://www.rulrul.4mg.com/ and search for Carla Schwartz (November 2017 issue).
Long Island Literary Journal "Trimmed and Burning" and "Burning Bushes" https://www.longislandliteraryjournal.com/carla-schwartz 2017
Triggerfish Critical Review, 2017 "On the Aqueduct" https://triggerfishcriticalreview.com/carla-schwartz-on-the-aqueduct/
"On Seeking Forgiveness, After Simic" https://triggerfishcriticalreview.com/carla-schwartz-on-seeking-forgiveness-after-simic/ 2017
Somerville Times Asparagus https://www.thesomervilletimes.com/archives/80269 Also in Intimacy with the Wind, 2017
Sweet Tree Review Photoshopping the Body: https://www.sweettreereview.com/loss-of-mass-steven-pan-1 Also in Intimacy with the Wind, 2017
The Wild Word "At Breakfast" (Also in Intimacy with the Wind, 2017) and "Cape Cod Thanksgiving" https://thewildword.com/poetry-carla-schwartz/
Eyedrum Periodically "Hot and Cold" Fusion Issue: https://www.eyedrumperiodically.org/issue-12-fusion/hot-and-cold-carla-schwartz/ Also in Intimacy with the Wind, 2017
First Literary Review - East click this link, and search for "Our Dance" or "Carla Schwartz" ... https://www.rulrul.4mg.com/index_51.html Also in Intimacy with the Wind, 2017
Inkstain Press Lost Hour: https://inkstainpress.weebly.com/lost-hour.html Also in Intimacy with the Wind, 2017
Panoply Zine "Trying to Leave Mallets Bay" https://panoplyzine.com/trying-to-leave-mallets-bay-carla-schwartz/ (Also in Intimacy with the Wind, 2017)
"When Someone Dies" https://panoplyzine.com/when-someone-dies-carla-schwartz/
Switched-On Gutenberg "Black Trumpets" https://switched-ongutenberg.org/black-trumpets Also in Intimacy with the Wind, 2017
Bluefifth "The Bereaved Mother" https://bluefifthreview.wordpress.com/ Spring 2017 issue, or see archives.
With Painted Words "Water Under the Bridge" June 2017 (from May 2017 Challenge) https://www.withpaintedwords.com/view_submission.php?news_id=1135
Soul-Lit "My father's Hiking Boots", and "Dream", Summer, 2017 https://www.soul-lit.com/poems/V17/Schwartz/index.html Also in Intimacy with the Wind, 2017
Art on the Trails Five Ekphrastic poems by Carla Schwartz (search for my name) 2017 https://artonthetrails.com/2017/10/20/the-poetry-of-art-on-the-trails-2017/
SHARKPACK Annual "Nick Flynn Reads My Feelings" https://sprannual.com/iv/teeth/schwartz-nick.html Also in Intimacy with the Wind, 2017
All poems © Carla Schwartz:
Carla's poems in the Boston Poetry Magazine |
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